Google OAuth 2.0 in AppGyver
This tutorial covers the authorization for Firestore
Basic steps common to Firestore and Photos
Detailed information can be found in Google Identity Platform
Obtain OAuth credentials in Google API Console
Obtain the access token from the Google authorization server
Verify the scopes granted
Send the access token to the API
Refresh the access token
Google FIRESTORE OAuth 2.0
Enable authentication on AppGyver
Google API console and credentials
Select the database on the console and obtain the OAuth credentials
Go to the console and select your Firestore data base.
Then select Credentials. There you will find the API key (the one you will pass with key=API_KEY parameter) and client ID. The API key can be further configured to restrict access, so it can be only used by specific web sites, IP addresses or apps.
It is strongly recommended to restrict the database access so you prevent unauthorized use. This can be done later, once you have the authorization working for your app.
Access token
The access token grants access to the APIs and the scopes of the access
App Login
To login, an application variable type object has to be created so contain the email, password an return token flag
The user has to enter the values for email and password, and the value for the return token flag has to be set to "true"
A http request has to be set, with a POST call to{your database API key}. The request body is the object that contains the email and password
The response from the http request has to be assigned to a applicaton variable type object, with properties to match the Firestore response to the call: localId, email, displayName, idToken, registred, refreshToken, expiresIn. The binding has to be made by formulas, typing the properties names by hand.
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